Hey. 27 Dude in So Cal. I'm in this order because Sammy was sympathetic to my plight. Last Ordder kicked me out because I took 1 week off because of death and I had to travel and stuff. The week was during a Holy Wars Event... and they were strict. LVL 73 in the God Realm. 38K/37K... probably because I've never bought a card pack and only barely started to trade. Anyway, I'm very active. I always play M-F from 7-5PST. During the weekends, the woman wants my time, though I might pop in occasionally. Always down to help my order members. Trading is always cool as long as its MUTUALLY beneficial. If I have extras of something I don't need, I'll be more than happy to gift it.
-Z3R0C00L77 out.
-Z3R0C00L77 out.